ICPDAS Industri automation

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Remote I/O. Digital input/output, analog input/output

ICPDAS Industri automation


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XP-8046-CE6 ISaGRAF & InduSoft baseret XP-8000-CE6 utan I/O porte

XP-8x49-CE6 familien (XP-8049-CE6/8349-CE6/8749-CE6) er den nye generation af WinCE baseret InduSoft PAC fra ICP DAS.

Designet med AMD LX 800 CPU (32-bit og 500 MHz) som kører Windows Embedded CE 6.0 OS. Tilslutningsmuligheder: (VGA(1024x768), USB, Ethernet, RS-232, RS-485) og 0/3/7 slots til parallelle I/O moduler (høj profil type I-8K) og Serielle I/O moduler (Hot-Swap høj profil I-87K).

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Varenummer XP-8046-CE6
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  • XV107A

    XV107A 8-ch Isoleret sink-type DI og 8-ch source-type DO Modul

    XV107/XV107A har 8 DIO kanaler. Kanalisolationsspænding er 3750VDC og ±4kV ESD beskyttelse.XV107 anvender sink output med kortslutningsbeskyttelse, input er af source-typen.XV107A anvender source output med kortslutningsbeskyttelse, input er af sink-typen. Alle indgangskanaler kan benyttes som 32-bit tællere. Der er mulighed for at konfigurere alle DO med en digital udgangsværdi under opstart.

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  • I-7188XAD

    I-7188XAD Embedded Controller med 4 COM porte RS-232/485, 2 DI & 2 DO porte og LED Display

    I-7188XA/D er en kraftfuld kompakt Embedded Controller på størrelse med en håndflade. I-7188XA/D kan anvendes i barske industrielle miljøer og kan erstatte PC’er og PLC’er som kræver en høj pålidelighed. I-7188 leveres med 4 COM porte (RS-232/485 3kV isolation), 2 DI & 2DO porte, RTC, 80188 (40MHz CPU), 512K Bytes SRAM, 512K Bytes FLASH, 2048 Bytes E²PROM, 31 Bytes NVRAM.

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  • WISE-7105


    WISE (Web Inside, Smart Engine) is a product series developed by ICP DAS that functions as control units for use in remote logic control and monitoring in various industrial applications.

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  • WISE-7115


    WISE (Web Inside, Smart Engine) is a product series developed by ICP DAS that functions as control units for use in remote logic control and monitoring in various industrial applications.

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  • WISE-7117


    WISE (Web Inside, Smart Engine) is a product series developed by ICP DAS that functions as control units for use in remote logic control and monitoring in various industrial applications.

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  • WISE-7119


    WISE (Web Inside, Smart Engine) is a product series developed by ICP DAS that functions as control units for use in remote logic control and monitoring in various industrial applications.

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  • WISE-7126


    WISE (Web Inside, Smart Engine) is a product series developed by ICP DAS that functions as control units for use in remote logic control and monitoring in various industrial applications.

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  • WISE-7142


    WISE (Web Inside, Smart Engine) is a product series developed by ICP DAS that functions as control units for use in remote logic control and monitoring in various industrial applications.

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  • WISE-7144


    WISE (Web Inside, Smart Engine) is a product series developed by ICP DAS that functions as control units for use in remote logic control and monitoring in various industrial applications.

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  • WISE-7151


    WISE (Web Inside, Smart Engine) is a product series developed by ICP DAS that functions as control units for use in remote logic control and monitoring in various industrial applications

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  • WISE-7153


    WISE (Web Inside, Smart Engine) is a product series developed by ICP DAS that functions as control units for use in remote logic control and monitoring in various industrial applications.

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  • WP-8131


    WinPAC-8000 er den anden generation af PAC (Programmable Automation Controller) fra ICP DAS.

    WinPAC-8000 anvender PXA270 CPU (520MHz) og kører med Windows CE .NET 5.0 operativ system.

    WinPAC-8000 tilslutningsmuligheder:

    VGA, USB, Ethernet, RS-232/485 og 1/4/8 slots med ekstrem høj ydeevne.

    Parallelle I/O moduler (høj profil I-8K serien) og serielle I/O moduler (høj profil I-87K serien).

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  • XP-8141-Atom

    XP-8141-Atom Standard XP-8000 med 1 I/O slot

    XP-8x41 familien er den nye PAC generation med Windows Embedded Standard 2009. XP-8x41 arbejder med en 32-bit Intel Atom Z520 CPU @ 1.33GHz. XP-8x41 tilbyder forskellige tilslutningsmuligheder (VGA(1600x1200), USB, 2xEthernet, 5xRS-232/485) med henholdsvis 1/3/7 parallelle I/O moduler (høj profil I-8K) og serielle I/O moduler (høj profil I-87K).

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  • LP-5231

    LP-5231 PAC med Linux OS og én LAN port

    LP-5231 familien er udstyret med AM3352 CPU (720 MHz) og anvender Linux operativ system(Linux Kernel 3.2.14).

    Linux Kernel 3.2.14 er et real-tids OS designet til tidskritiske applicationer med høj ydeevne.

    LP-5231 sikrer et kontrolsystem med høj driftssikkerhed, en lille kerne størrelse, optioner som udvidelse med et I/O expansion board.

    LP-5231 supportere Web services (Web/SFTP/SSH server).

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  • SV-2201-CE7


    SmartView The SmartView series combines a RISC-based CPU board, TFT LCD touch screen and software including Web HMI, OPC UA, and MQTT to create a ruggedized, flat panel computer perfect for a variety of control and HMI applications. It provides a variety of connectives including Gigabit Ethernet, USB port, RS-232 and RS-485. The operating system is preinstalled in the on-board Flash memory.

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  • SV-4201-CE7


    SmartView The SmartView series combines a RISC-based CPU board, TFT LCD touch screen and software including Web HMI, OPC UA, and MQTT to create a ruggedized, flat panel computer perfect for a variety of control and HMI applications. It provides a variety of connectives including Gigabit Ethernet, USB port, RS-232 and RS-485. The operating system is preinstalled in the on-board Flash memory.

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  • SV-6201-CE7

    SV-6201-CE7 15" SmartView med AM3354 CPU og WinCE7 OS

    SmartView The SmartView series combines a RISC-based CPU board, TFT LCD touch screen and software including Web HMI, OPC UA, and MQTT to create a ruggedized, flat panel computer perfect for a variety of control and HMI applications. It provides a variety of connectives including Gigabit Ethernet, USB port, RS-232 and RS-485. The operating system is preinstalled in the on-board Flash memory.

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  • WP-5141

    WP-5141 Programmerbar Automation Controller

    WinPAC-5000 familien er ICP DAS nyeste generation af PAC (Programmable Automation Controller).

    WinPAC-5000 familien anvender PXA270 CPU (520 MHz) som kører med Windows CE.NET 5.0 operativ system.

    WinPAC-5000 familien er udstyret med følgende porte: VGA, USB, 2xEthernet, 2xRS-232/1x485 og I/O expansion bus.

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  • WP-5151

    WP-5151 Programmerbar Automation Controller

    WinPAC-5000 familien er ICP DAS nyeste generation af PAC (Programmable Automation Controller).

    WinPAC-5000 familien anvender PXA270 CPU (520 MHz) som kører med Windows CE.NET 5.0 operativ system.

    WinPAC-5000 familien er udstyret med følgende porte: VGA, USB, 2xEthernet, 1xRS-232/2x485 og I/O expansion bus.

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  • WP-5141-OD

    WP-5141-OD Programmerbar Automation Controller med audio port

    WinPAC-5000 familien er ICP DAS nyeste generation af PAC (Programmable Automation Controller).

    WinPAC-5000 familien anvender PXA270 CPU (520 MHz) som kører med Windows CE.NET 5.0 operativ system.

    WinPAC-5000 familien er udstyret med følgende porte: VGA, USB, 2xEthernet, 2xRS-232/1x485 og I/O expansion bus.

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  • WP-5151-OD

    WP-5151-OD Programmerbar Automation Controller med audio port

    WinPAC-5000 familien er ICP DAS nyeste generation af PAC (Programmable Automation Controller).

    WinPAC-5000 familien anvender PXA270 CPU (520 MHz) som kører med Windows CE.NET 5.0 operativ system.

    WinPAC-5000 familien er udstyret med følgende porte: VGA, USB, 2xEthernet, 1xRS-232/2x485 og I/O expansion bus.

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  • WP-5231

    WP-5231 PAC med WinCE 7.0 og én LAN port

    WP-5231 er udstyret med AM3354 CPU (1 GHz) og kører windows CE.NET 7.0 operativ system.

    Det optionelle I/O udvidelseskort, XV-kort, sikrer en høj beskyttelse af I/O porte.

    WP-5231 familien kan gemme applicationsprogrammer, image filer og data i den indbyggede Flash og microSD.

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  • WP-5238

    WP-5238 Win-GRAF baseret WP-5000 PAC med WinCE 7.0 og én LAN port

    Win-GRAF WP-5000 familien (WP-5238) er den nye generation af WinCE 7.0 baserede Win-GRAF PAC fra ICP DAS.

    PAC familien er udstyret med AM3354 CPU (1 GHz) og kører windows CE.NET 7.0 operativ system.

    Optionelt I/O udvidelseskort, XV-board, sikrer en høj beskyttelse af I/O porte.

    Win-GRAF WP-5000 familien kan gemme programmer, image filer og data i den indbyggede microSD.

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  • WP-5147

    WP-5147 ISaGRAF baseret WinPAC-5000 med WinCE 5.0 og 2 LAN porte

    ISaGRAF WinPAC-5000 familien (WP-5147 / WP-5147-OD) er designet med PXA270 CPU (520 MHz) som kører med Windows CE .NET 5.0 operativ system,  med en bred vifte af Input/Output porte (VGA, USB, 2xEthernet, 2xRS-232/1x485) og et I/O udvidelsesbus til et XW-kort.

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  • WP-5149

    WP-5149 InduSoft baseret WinPAC-5000 with WinCE 5.0 OS

    ICP DAS WinPAC-5149 familie er den nye generation af PAC (Programmable Automation Controller) baseret på InduSoft.

    WinPAC-5149 er designet med PXA270 CPU (520 MHz) som kører med Windows CE.NET 5.0 operativ system, forskellige tilslutningsmuligheder (VGA, USB, 2xEthernet, 2xRS-232/1x485) og I/O udvidelsesbus.

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  • WP-5149-OD

    WP-5149-OD InduSoft baseret WinPAC-5000 med WinCE 5.0 OS og Audio port

    ICP DAS WinPAC-5149 familie er den nye generation af PAC (Programmable Automation Controller) baseret på InduSoft.

    WinPAC-5149 er designet med PXA270 CPU (520 MHz) som kører med Windows CE.NET 5.0 operativ system, forskellige tilslutningsmuligheder (VGA, USB, 2xEthernet, 2xRS-232/1x485) og I/O udvidelsesbus.

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  • WP-5146-OD

    WP-5146-OD InduSoft and ISaGRAF baseret WinPAC-5000 med audio port

    ICP DAS WinPAC-5146 familien er den nye generation af PAC (Programmable Automation Controller) med forud installeret software fra henholdsvis InduSoft Web Studio og ISaGRAF.

    InduSoft er en kraftfuldt integreret samling af e-automation udv. værktøj der inkludere alle de byggeblokke der kræves til udv. af Human Machine Interface og SCADA systemer.

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  • WP-8141


    WinPAC-8000 is the second generation PAC of ICP DAS. It equips PXA270 CPU (520MHz) running a Windows CE .NET 5.0 operating system, variant connectivities (VGA, USB, Ethernet, RS-232/485) and 1/4/8 slots for high performance parallel I/O modules (high profile I-8K series) and serial-type I/O modules (high profile I-87K I/O modules).

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  • WP-8848


    The Win-GRAF WinPAC-8000 Series (WP-8148/8448/8848) is the new generation WinCE 5.0 based Win-GRAF PAC (Programmable Automation Controller) from ICP DAS.

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  • WP-8137


    The ISaGRAF WinPAC-8000 Series (WP-8137/8437/8837 / 8147/8447/8847 ) is the new generation of ISaGRAF based PACs from ICP DAS.

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  • VPD-130


    The TouchPAD VPD 3.5" Series is a series of industrial touch HMI devices that features, 3.5" high resolution color touch screen LCD. With touchscreen capability, it is easy to deploy into all kinds of automation systems, and make them more intuitive and efficient.

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  • VPD-130N


    The TouchPAD VPD 3.5" Series is a series of industrial touch HMI devices that features, 3.5" high resolution color touch screen LCD. With touchscreen capability, it is easy to deploy into all kinds of automation systems, and make them more intuitive and efficient.

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  • VPD-132


    The TouchPAD VPD 3.5" Series is a series of industrial touch HMI devices that features, 3.5" high resolution color touch screen LCD. With touchscreen capability, it is easy to deploy into all kinds of automation systems, and make them more intuitive and effi cient.

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    Varenummer VPD-132
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  • VPD-133N


    The TouchPAD VPD 3.5" Series is a series of industrial touch HMI devices that features, 3.5" high resolution color touch screen LCD. With touchscreen capability, it is easy to deploy into all kinds of automation systems, and make them more intuitive and effi cient.

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  • VPD-132N


    The TouchPAD VPD 3.5" Series is a series of industrial touch HMI devices that features, 3.5" high resolution color touch screen LCD. With touchscreen capability, it is easy to deploy into all kinds of automation systems, and make them more intuitive and effi cient.

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  • VPD-133


    The TouchPAD VPD 3.5" Series is a series of industrial touch HMI devices that features, 3.5" high resolution color touch screen LCD. With touchscreen capability, it is easy to deploy into all kinds of automation systems, and make them more intuitive and effi cient.

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  • WP-8437


    The ISaGRAF WinPAC-8000 Series (WP-8137/8437/8837 / 8147/8447/8847 ) is the new generation of ISaGRAF based PACs from ICP DAS.

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  • WP-8837


    The ISaGRAF WinPAC-8000 Series (WP-8137/8437/8837 / 8147/8447/8847 ) is the new generation of ISaGRAF based PACs from ICP DAS.

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  • WP-8147


    The ISaGRAF WinPAC-8000 Series (WP-8137/8437/8837 / 8147/8447/8847 ) is the new generation of ISaGRAF based PACs from ICP DAS.

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  • WP-8447


    The ISaGRAF WinPAC-8000 Series (WP-8137/8437/8837 / 8147/8447/8847 ) is the new generation of ISaGRAF based PACs from ICP DAS.

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    Varenummer WP-8447
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  • WP-8847


    The ISaGRAF WinPAC-8000 Series (WP-8137/8437/8837 / 8147/8447/8847 ) is the new generation of ISaGRAF based PACs from ICP DAS.

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  • WP-8139


    WinPAC-8xx9 Series (WP-8139/8439/8839, WP-8149/8449/8849) is the second generation Windows CE based InduSoft PAC of ICP DAS.

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  • WP-8149


    WinPAC-8xx9 Series (WP-8139/8439/8839, WP-8149/8449/8849) is the second generation Windows CE based InduSoft PAC of ICP DAS.

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  • WP-8439


    WinPAC-8xx9 Series (WP-8139/8439/8839, WP-8149/8449/8849) is the second generation Windows CE based InduSoft PAC of ICP DAS.

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  • WP-8449


    WinPAC-8xx9 Series (WP-8139/8439/8839, WP-8149/8449/8849) is the second generation Windows CE based InduSoft PAC of ICP DAS.

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  • WP-8839


    WinPAC-8xx9 Series (WP-8139/8439/8839, WP-8149/8449/8849) is the second generation Windows CE based InduSoft PAC of ICP DAS.

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  • WP-8849


    WinPAC-8xx9 Series (WP-8139/8439/8839, WP-8149/8449/8849) is the second generation Windows CE based InduSoft PAC of ICP DAS.

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  • WP-8136


    ICP DAS WinPAC-8x36 Series (WP-8136/8436/8836) is the new generation WinCE based PAC (Programmable Automation Controller).It features with the powerful InduSoft Web Studio and ISaGRAF.

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  • I-8831


    The I-8431/ I-8831 are ethernet embedded controller with 4/8 I/O slots. Both are equipped with MiniOS7,an embedded OS similar to DOS that is developed by ICPDAS Co., LTD.

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  • XW107

    XW107 8-kanals DI og 8-kanals DO utan isolation

    XW107 kan anvendes sammen med følgende serier: uPAC-5000, LP-51xx og WP-5000.

    Der er kun plads til ét XW-kort i en PAC(Programmable Automation Controller).

    XW107 har 8 DIO.

    De 8 indgange kan anvendes sammen med en tør kontakt.

    DI er af Source-typen og overspændingsbeskyttet ved 30V.

    De 8 DO er af Sink-typen og anvender åben kollektor.

    Alle 8 DO er overbelastningsbeskyttet til 1.4A

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    Varenummer XW107
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  • I-8431-80


    The I-8431-80/I-8831-80 are ethernet embedded controller with 4/8 I/O slots. Both are equipped with MiniOS7,an embedded OS similar to DOS that is developed by ICPDAS Co., LTD.

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  • I-8831-80


    The I-8431-80/I-8831-80 are ethernet embedded controller with 4/8 I/O slots. Both are equipped with MiniOS7,an embedded OS similar to DOS that is developed by ICPDAS Co., LTD.

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  • iP-8411


    The iPAC-8000 is the compact size PAC(Programmable Automation Controller). It supports a variety of connectivity options including Dual 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet ports, one RS-232/485 port, one RS-485 port and two RS-232 ports, and 4/8 slots for high performance Parallel I/O modules (high profile I-8K series) and Serial I/O modules (high profile I-87K series), etc.

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  • iP-8811


    The iPAC-8000 is the compact size PAC(Programmable Automation Controller). It supports a variety of connectivity options including Dual 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet ports, one RS-232/485 port, one RS-485 port and two RS-232 ports, and 4/8 slots for high performance Parallel I/O modules (high profile I-8K series) and Serial I/O modules (high profile I-87K series), etc.

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  •  XW107i

    XW107i 8-kanals DI og 8-kanals DO med isolation

    XW107i kan anvendes sammen med følgende serier: uPAC-5000, LP-51xx og WP-5000.

    Der er plads til ét XW-kort i en PAC. XW107i har 8 DIO. Isolation 3750Vrms fra omgivelser til logik.

    De 8 indgange kan anvendes sammen med en våd kontakt. DI kan Sink og Source (via jumper) og overspændingsbeskyttet ved 60V. De 8 DO er af Sink-typen med åben kollektor.

    Alle 8 DO er overbelastningsbeskyttet til 1.4A

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  • XW110i

    XW110i 16-kanals isoleret DI

    XW110i kan anvendes sammen med følgende serier: uPAC-5000, LP-51xx og WP-5000.

    Der er plads til ét XW-kort i en PAC (Programmable Automation Controller).

    XW110i har 16 DI-kanaler.

    Isolationsspænding 3750Vrms fra omgivelser til logik.

    De 16 indgange kan anvendes sammen med en tør/våd kontakter.

    DI kan Sink og Source og overspændingsbeskyttet ved 60V.

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  • XW111i

    XW111i 16-kanals isoleret DO

    XW111i kan anvendes sammen med følgende serier: uPAC-5000, LP-51xx og WP-5000.

    Der er plads til ét XW-kort i en PAC (Programmable Automation Controller).

    XW111i har 16 DO. Isolation 3750Vrms fra omgivelser til logik.

    De 16 DO er af Sink-typen med åben kollektor.

    Alle 16 DO er overbelastningsbeskyttet til 1.4A

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  • XW304

    XW304 6-ch A/D(±5V eller 0V til 5V), 1-ch D/A(±5V), 4-ch DO & 4-ch DI

    XW304 kan anvendes sammen med følgende serier: uPAC-5000, LP-51xx og WP-5000.

    Der er plads til ét XW-kort i en PAC (Programmable Automation Controller).

    XW304 tilbyder:

    6 stk. 12-bit single-ended A/D

    1 stk. 12-bit D/A

    4 stk. DI med 30VDC overspændingsbeskyttelse.

    4 stk. DO med åben kollektor af sink-typen og 1.4A overbelastningsbeskyttelse.

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  • XW310

    XW310 4-ch A/D(±10V), 2-ch D/A(±10V), 3-ch DO & 3-ch DI

    XW310 kan anvendes sammen med følgende serier: uPAC-5000, LP-51xx og WP-5000.

    Der er plads til ét XW-kort i en PAC (Programmable Automation Controller).

    XW310 tilbyder:

    4 stk. 12-bit differentiel A/D

    2 stk. 12-bit D/A

    3 stk. DI med 30VDC overspændingsbeskyttelse.

    3 stk. DO med åben kollektor af sink-typen og 1.4A overbelastningsbeskyttelse.

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  • XW310C

    XW310C 4-ch differentiel /8-ch Single-Ended A/D (0 ~ 20mA), 2-ch D/A (0 ~ 20mA), 3-ch DO & 3-ch DI.

    XW310C kan anvendes sammen med følgende serier: uPAC-5000, LP-51xx og WP-5000.

    Der er plads til ét XW-kort i en PAC (Programmable Automation Controller).

    XW310C tilbyder:

    4 stk. 12-bit differentiel A/D

    Eller 8 stk. 12-bit single-ended A/D

    2 stk. 12-bit D/A

    3 stk. DI med 30VDC overspændingsbeskyttelse.

    3 stk. DO med åben kollektor af sink-typen og 1.4A overbelastningsbeskyttelse.

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  • iP-8441


    The iPAC-8000 is the compact size PAC(Programmable Automation Controller). It supports a variety of connectivity options including Dual 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet ports, one RS-232/485 port, one RS-485 port and two RS-232 ports, and 4/8 slots for high performance Parallel I/O modules (high profile I-8K series) and Serial I/O modules (high profile I-87K series), etc.

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  • iP-8841


    The iPAC-8000 is the compact size PAC(Programmable Automation Controller). It supports a variety of connectivity options including Dual 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet ports, one RS-232/485 port, one RS-485 port and two RS-232 ports, and 4/8 slots for high performance Parallel I/O modules (high profile I-8K series) and Serial I/O modules (high profile I-87K series), etc.

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  • iP-8441-FD


    The iPAC-8000 is the compact size PAC(Programmable Automation Controller). It supports a variety of connectivity options including Dual 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet ports, one RS-232/485 port, one RS-485 port and two RS-232 ports, and 4/8 slots for high performance Parallel I/O modules (high profile I-8K series) and Serial I/O modules (high profile I-87K series), etc.

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  • iP-8841-FD


    The iPAC-8000 is the compact size PAC(Programmable Automation Controller). It supports a variety of connectivity options including Dual 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet ports, one RS-232/485 port, one RS-485 port and two RS-232 ports, and 4/8 slots for high performance Parallel I/O modules (high profile I-8K series) and Serial I/O modules (high profile I-87K series), etc.

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  • I-8417


    The ISaGRAF i-8000 Series (I-8437-80/8837-80, I-8417/8817) is an ISaGRAF PAC and includes ISaGRAF SoftLogic, ISaGRAF is a Windows programming tools and also provides powerful debugging tools including Online Monitor and Control and also Offline Simulation.

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  • I-8817


    The ISaGRAF i-8000 Series (I-8437-80/8837-80, I-8417/8817) is an ISaGRAF PAC and includes ISaGRAF SoftLogic, ISaGRAF is a Windows programming tools and also provides powerful debugging tools including Online Monitor and Control and also Offline Simulation. 

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    Varenummer I-8817
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  • I-8437-80


    The ISaGRAF i-8000 Series (I-8437-80/8837-80, I-8417/8817) is an ISaGRAF PAC and includes ISaGRAF SoftLogic, ISaGRAF is a Windows programming tools and also provides powerful debugging tools including Online Monitor and Control and also Offline Simulation. 

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  • I-8837-80


    The ISaGRAF i-8000 Series (I-8437-80/8837-80, I-8417/8817) is an ISaGRAF PAC and includes ISaGRAF SoftLogic, ISaGRAF is a Windows programming tools and also provides powerful debugging tools including Online Monitor and Control and also Offline Simulation. 

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    Varenummer I-8837-80
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  • iP-8417


    The ISaGRAF iPAC-8000 Series (iP-8417/8817/8447/8847) is the ISaGRAF SoftLogic PAC from ICP DAS.

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  • iP-8817


    he ISaGRAF iPAC-8000 Series (iP-8417/8817/8447/8847) is the ISaGRAF SoftLogic PAC from ICP DAS.

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  • iP-8447


    The ISaGRAF iPAC-8000 Series (iP-8417/8817/8447/8847) is the ISaGRAF SoftLogic PAC from ICP DAS.

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  • iP-8847


    The ISaGRAF iPAC-8000 Series (iP-8417/8817/8447/8847) is the ISaGRAF SoftLogic PAC from ICP DAS.

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  • XW506

    XW506 6-port RS-232 utan isolation

    XW506 kan anvendes sammen med følgende serier: uPAC-5000, LP-51xx og WP-5000.

    Der er plads til ét XW-kort i en PAC (Programmable Automation Controller).

    XW506 tilbyder:

    6 stk. RS-232 med 16C550 kompatibel controller og 115200 bps max.

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