DC/DC converter

DC DC converter - Huge selection of both 'Step Up' and 'Step Down'

DC/DC converter

There are 22 products.

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USB Boost DC 5V to 9V/12V...

USB Boost DC 5V to 9V/12V USB Step-up

MAX Output 12V 0.8A or 9V 1A

USB to DC3.5mm or USB to DC5.5mm

For at forsyne 12V/0.7A skal 5V input være minimum 2A

En PC USB2.0 port giver maks. 5V/0,5A (2,5 Watt)

En PC USB3.0 port giver maks. 5V/0,9A (4,5 Watt)

Price 220.00 DKK
Product code: DC-DC5VUSB-12V/9V
Physically in stock